Remuneration Managing Director
The Supervisory Board on the recommendation of the Remuneration Committee determined the level of management remuneration and the amount of other remuneration components during 2016. The remuneration policy is updated periodically. In determining its remuneration policy, War Child follows guidelines set up by Goede Doelen Nederland. The scheme sets out a maximum recommended level of annual salary according to an index of professional criteria. The weighing of the situation at War Child leads to a so-called BSD score of 520 points.
The actual annual salary with holiday allowance in 2016 for Tjipke Bergsma was €107,963 which is within the applicable limits.
The combined level of annual income, taxable allowances, employer contribution to pension, retirement compensation and other relevant compensation related to Tjipke Bergsma during 2016 was within the maximum annual amount included in the Dutch Fundraising Institutions Association (VFI) scheme. Total compensation plus employer’s expenses for Tjipke Bergsma was €137,894 over the course of his service during 2016. The taxable allowances, additions, employer pension and other compensation, moreover, were in reasonable proportion to the annual income. The amount and composition of remuneration in the financial statements are disclosed in the notes to the statement of income and expenses.